Commits on Source (90)
Matthew Dawson authored
Look into javization of the TT to make heads explode less. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
First run of java code for generating better verification code. Currently pre-PoC, but matlab talks to it and start of parser works. Uses maven to build. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Matlab parsing is now available. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
CVC3 output is possible from matlab tree. It's not perfect yet, but it is somewhere. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Add a literal to hold literal numbers. Currently forced to only be Reals. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
The system can now sucessfully parse simple matlab expressions. It has appropriate tests for these expressions. Next is integration. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
SVN was being weird and missed this file. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Add first run of matlab integration, by having the java code generate the variable preamble. It also parses the variable information for future use. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Matlab -> CVC output is now fully handled by the java app. Currently requires some manual setup, but once done everything just works from the gui. Some extra output needs work still. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Because public api tests where in the same package, various important API components were not public and caused issues. Fix by moving them to a more appropriate place. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Useful for testing, not anymore. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Fixed point is working! git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Fix up the expression parser to actually work with different expressions. So now, it handles both longer expressions (ex 4+5+6) and where order of operations takes effect (ex 4+5*6 and 4*5+6). Include tests. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Start with basic changes for generator. First step, try moving the operation generation piece to a new class. For now, just use static methods. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Move all CVC3 code into CVC3Generator. Currently it is just static methods, next is to make implement an interface! git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
CVC3Generator is now tied to the CheckerGenerator interface, allowing for PVS and SMTLIB to move in. This caused a huge set of changes in other files, to push the generator through various places. Also, the matlab code needed updating to work with the new functions and CheckerGenerator. In theory it should all be fine now. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Add the necessary pieces to the boolean type, so that the CVC3 code can generate for it. Currently the only failing issue is some operators to actually make use of it. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Various classes/functions (ex MatlabOperation) are not preapred to deal with unary operations, and realistically probably never will. Thus just rename to include binary in the name (ex MatlabBinaryOperation). Also push the changes down so everything still works. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Now add the actual prefix unary operation support. For now, just deal with negation (~), and cheat the code gen appropriately. But for the future, things are ready for use. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
For some reason, the equals infix operator disappeared. Fix that ... git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Since binary expressions can actually change the type (for instance, comparisions switch the type for the number input to boolean), handle this so calls further up the chain don't break (for instance, boolean operators, ex AND). git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Since expression's outputs now generally work with their type correctly, make use of this to try and ensure an expression is evaluated correctly. Also make sure that the requested type does match the type outputted, and test that this occurs (for now, just in BinaryExpression and Variable). git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
CVC3 uses the '=' operator for equality, not '=='. Fix this to ensure it is correct. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Start adding support for the boolean and operation. Currently it works if parsed correctly, but the next commit is necessary so it can be parsed. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Add parsing for the && operator. However, the grammar file doesn't have an explicit node for it. To avoid having to create a node per such operations, instead add a method so that they are automatically created as necessary. Since each one is used (repeatedly), as the level decrements stick the appropriate operator in place. The system will then pick up on this and handle the situation appropriately. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Parse the hierarchy for the tables to generate the necessary bits of CVC3 code. It generates equivalent code for CVC3 now to what matlab would. Some excess brackets are removed, making things neater. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Now the full contents of the CVC3 file are generated inside of Java, but the actual saving and running of CVC3 still happen inside of matlab. For now. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
The cvc3generator package was originally put in tablularexpression while I was fighting with maven. Since it doesn't have to be in the package, remove it to clean up the layout of packages. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Some debug output was left in and committed. Remove the extra junk. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
GenerateVariableType was an unused function outside of some internal pieces. Thus remove it from the CheckerGenerator interface, as it doesn't need to be exposed. Update a few internal uses of it to use an explicit instance of a CheckerGenerator for when it was used (inside of tests). git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Start with the SMTLIBGenerator class. To start with, deal with variable definitions! git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
The system can now generate SMT-LIB code from the parsed Matlab code. It doesn't deal with tables (yet), but that is next. Also use the MatlabParser tests to verify the generated SMT-LIB code. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
In SMT-LIB, any real literal *must* have a decimal point, otherwise various parsers may explode. Since I know if a literal is supposed to be real, fix this issue by appending a harmless ".0" to the string of the number. Fix tests to verify this. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Implement a first run (with simple non-exhaustive test) of the SMT-LIB generator for hierarchical tables. This generates the same information as the cvc3 generator, but using the appropriate syntax. Note that the generated script can't be directly run, due to how SMT-LIB verifiers work regarding reading of values, so the queries need to be piped directly across one by one for verification. Also, since SMT-LIB doesn't have an equivalent to CVC3's QUERY command, all queries have a not placed in front. This lead to a few changes to the queries: - Disjoint queries now had a format of: (not (and (not (and e1 e2)))). This can be simplified with De Morgan's law to (or (and e1 e2)) (by removing the (not (and (not to the more simple (or). - Complete queries now have an extra (not in front. No further optimization is possible. - For the parent part of any query, instead of using (not (=> (p e)), which removes the potential disjoint optimization, the not is pushed down so the format is now (and p (not e)). Also, for simplification p is always defined, and is true when no parent cells exist. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
The cvc3generator package was moved out of tablularexpression. Matlab code wasn't updated, and thus broke. Fix this mistake. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
To stay at least a little consistent, use smtlibchecker for the smtlib package name. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
The grammar file requires Matlab expressions, it expects the expression to end with a newline. However, lots of generated code doesn't. Thus force this to be always correct. Note that any extra newlines shouldn't cause issues. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Add a simple class to hold the results of a failed query to a SMT checker. Also, it has a utility function to easily generate a matlab expression for the failed test's counter-model. Also test. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Add a CheckerRunner class with a single static method to run z3. It uses the smtlib generators, and the logic can be extended to other smtlib2 compliant smt solvers. It uses the copy of z3 in your path for now. Note that it is very brittle, and if z3 has issue can potentially lock the thread it is running on, as Java has no easy way to add timeouts to reads on the stdout of z3. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Due to some copy+paste errors, cvc3 was mentioned in smtlib test code. Rename the references as appropriate. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
When walking an empty grid, no queries for either complete or disjoint are generated. Disjoint handled this fine, but complete did not. Fix this. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Do to the way the matlab code works, the GenerateMatlabVariableDeclarations is actually useless. Thus, make SampleValues public so that the matlab code can still do what it needs to do. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Show an option for checking against Z3, and also hook it up to the matlab code for use. Everything should be working now. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
The java code now loads into Matlab automatically, but it uses a differnt jar file location now. Things work though. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Test that each operator is parsed in properly. Currently only tests implemented operators, with more to follow. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Binary ops now includes: - / >= < <= Unary: - YAY! git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
When dealing with expressions, and generating output for them, types have to be exactly known. However, when two literals are added together (like: 5+5), the type to use for that is unknown. To fix this issue, type information has to be forced down the pipe. So know the addition operation now knows it needs to produce a particular type (ex Real or Fixed Point), and then tests what the subexpressions can produce (for literals, they can produce either, but a variable can only be what it is). For Real, that is fine. However a fixed point can take an infinite number of different possibilities, and one cannot test for every combination. So instead a type "marker" is introduced. This marker instead identifies that a fixed point type is generally wanted, but specifics are unknown. The system will query for an appropriate type, and requires the specific type is returned, and not a marker. All types are also markers for themselves, so Reals, for instance, don't need anything special. While the marker system sounds good in theory, it currently is fully implemented, so fixed point is currently broken. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Implement other operators for SMTLIB. Also implement a test for it. The test is parameterized, so CVC3 support is easy to add. Due to the parameterization, a newer version of JUnit is required, so bump the version in the pom.xml file. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Real operators are now added for CVC3 generation. Fixed point is still left out. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Now that Matlab parsing is pretty much all done, remove extra output. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Add a test for CVC3 fixed point support, and get fixed point working again. This implements support for the fixed point marker, and make use of it. The only problem is that literals by default fall down to Reals, so not all operations are tested. This needs to be fixed. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
When generating binary operations, the requested type sent down was the output type, not the input type. However, the generator expects the input type to know how to output the operation. Fix that. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Fixed point operations are now all tested. Due to literals automatically casting to reals, it is necessary to push the "x" variable further into the expression. To ensure everything works, add one more condition without x to make sure everything stays stable. Everything works, after adjusting search strings. Also, deal with both signed/unsigned fixed point types. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
The CVC3 generator originally insured that the TCC numbering was always unqie for a table. Re-add this functionality. Specifically, when building the walker, add a parameter to its constructor to set its starting TCC number. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Since queries is now a Java List, don't use matlab to combine them (it makes an array of Lists). Instead use the Java method addAll to do it. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
CVC3 doesn't allow decimal points to represent rational numbers. Thus simplify things by putting the literal into fractional form. Currently reduction is not attempted, and the simplest form is used. Ex. 4.56 becomes (456/100) (as tested in the accompanying unit test). git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Update the assembly plugin, used to generate the jar with dependencies, to the latest released (non-beta) version. No functional change. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Update antlr to the latest release. Also adjust the Matlab Grammar to continue working. No functional change necessary. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
To handle the case when more complicated output is received from SMTLIB, properly parse SMTLIB output. Due to ANTLR trying to consume the full stream, the SMTLIB response is first put in a string. A simple algorithm, using the brackets, is used to find the beginning and end. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Since periods are usually a wildcard, make sure to quote it so that it is properly handled as a period, and not any random value. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Handle the negative and fractional outputs from SMTLIB. This required extending the SMTLIB output grammar to accept negative and division operations. Currently the support is cheated some, so that only the necessary pieces are actually parsed. Further support for more operations will require extending the support further. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Add some toString methods to aid debugging the operations setup. It isn't committed centrally as I'm not sure it is a good idea. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Since the java code is turning into entire toolbox for dealing with tabular expressions, move the code to an appropriate package. Even if it doesn't become a full toolbox (for java), it is deeply used by the Matlab toolbox. Thus pull the name from there. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
The package name matlab2smt is really ugly, and not really representative of what it really does anymore. Thus create an expression package for the pieces representing an expression, and a parsers package for all parsers, including both the variable and the Matlab parsers. Also make MatlabParserOperatorParseTest not rely on (now) private members. Instead use the toString methods to get a generator independent representation, and test that it matches appropriately. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Instead of having new instances of VariableParser created, and thus wrapping a Map<String, Variable> in a very inelegant way, simply have a single method that actually does the VariableParser work, and directly returns the Map. Also ensure all tests + Matlab continue to work, and tighten up some extra imports and Matlab output in affected areas. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Since MatlabParser has no reason to have an instance of it managed by a user, just make it use a single static method to access its functionality. Overall it makes code simpler (avoiding the nasty getRootExpression call). git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Since all expressions are in fact general pupose expression, and not tied to Matlab in the slightest, avoid calling the classes as Matlab*. No actual functional change is required for this. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
The code to find the operation for a given text string was hidding in the *Operation enumerations. Move this code into MatlabParser, as it isn't reusable as many languages use different symbols. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
The subtypes given in tables are given in PVS syntax. To use these in other languages, the TET needs to parse PVS expressions. Note that this parser is very basic, and only handles the bare minimum needed. It only handles basic Math expressions, similar to Matlab. It doesn't do /= yet, due to missing support further down the stack. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Since any parser will have to test itself against a variety of operator, make life simple and have one set of tests for all operators. Also remove as much code duplication as possible, by having one generic method that takes an operator (as a String) and a parse function that handles calling the parse function and compares the result as appropriate. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
In order to support PVS style subtype expressions, the system has to be able to parser such expressions. To simplify the variable list parse, it simply extracts the PVS expressions as a single token, unprocessed. While requiring more parsing work for the subtype expression, it avoids the necessity of changing the parser in the future should a new subtype language be used. As part of this change, the variable list parser's lexer became to complicated to be expressed in Antlr's combined grammar format. Thus split it out. Everything works the same as before from an API point of view. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Somehow the NotEquals operator fell through the cracks when implementing all the other operators. Add it in, along with the necessary tests so it will round trip the system properly. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
The subtype given for variables are now properly parsed into the entire system. Currently they are not actually used when generating the checker statements. The expressions are fully parsed expressions, ready for output however. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
For both SMTLIB and CVC3, variable subtypes conditions are now emitted into the necessary places. This doesn't directly relate to the PVS support added earlier. For now, no proof is done that the subtype has any allowed input, but that doesn't matter as the table would still be "valid" for no input. Determining that the connected Simulink blocks have correct typing is not considered currently. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Adds support for the implication operator in PVS (=>). Matlab's support for it is questionable, and thus ignored for now. The operator is supported in all layers, including generators. Note that due to matlab not supporting all the operators, GenericGeneratorTest now uses PVS to parse in its mega expression. This changed the parsed's expression's content, and thus the expression changed a little dramatically. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Add parsing and generating support for the exponent operator. It currently doesn't support generation over fixed point values, since CVC3 doesn't include an easy to use function. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
VariableParser now needs to store information about custom types (specifically enumerations). Thus make parseVariable take an instance now by making it a method of VariableParser again. Also change the TET to use a global singleton (called TET) to store the TET's VariableParser (since the type information is global to Matlab). git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
In preparation for enumerations, a more complete handling of variable information is required. Thus create a VariableCollection and use it appropriately. As much as possible, the VariableCollection is pushed down the stack as much as possible. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
If an smtlib checker doesn't generate sample values, use an empty array so the system can handle everything properly. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
If an unknown error is received, treat it as a failure but without sample values. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
Matthew Dawson authored
Add support for both custom and unknown custom types. For now, all unknown types are simply treated as reals for generation purposes. Custom types can be registered with a particular VariableParser using any previously existing type. All the generation code ignores the new type name and continues as before. git-svn-id: 57e6efec-57d4-0310-aeb1-a6c144bb1a8b
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