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check_matlab_syntax_condition.m 2.09 KiB
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%% check_matlab_syntax
%   this function will check that a string is valid matlab syntax
%   for the context that it is in. we need to build up the
%   expression which involves initiallizeing the input variables to
%   a dummy value and wraping an if statement around conditionals
% inputs:
%   object:GUI - current GUI object
%   string:string - string to be checked
%   result:boolean - false if the string is a conditoin true if
%       the string is an output statement
% outputs:
%   error:string - string containing the error message, empty if
%   there is no error
% Author: Colin Eles
% Organization: McMaster Centre for Software Certification
function error = check_matlab_syntax_condition(object,string,result)
% split the list of inputs to get inputs seperatly
parsed_input = EMLGenerator.parse_inputs(get(object.function_inputs_control,'string'));
check_string = [];

% initialize inputs to zero
% functions are assumed to be total, so 0 is just for
% convienence
for i=1:size(parsed_input,2)
    % set to zero
    check_string = [check_string sprintf('%s=0;\n',char(parsed_input{i}(1)))];
if ~result
    % the string is a condition we need to evaulate it as it
    % will be used in the code, as in order for an if statement
    % to be valid the condition must evaulate to a numeric
    % value not a structure or something else. we need to have
    % the 1 in there as a dummy output, which is necesary for
    % an if statement to be valid in matlab.
    check_string = [check_string 'if (' string sprintf(')\n1;\nend')];
    % the string is an output statement we can just evaulate the
    % string on its own.
    check_string = [check_string string ';' sprintf('\n')];
% attempt to evaluate the string catch the error.
    error = [];
catch exception
    error = exception.message;
    % attempt to make one of the common errors slightly less
    % cryptic.
        error = [error sprintf('\nTo check equality use ==')];