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generate_cvc_grid.m 1.16 KiB
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%% genereate_cvc_grid
% generate the queries for cvc for the inputted grid.
% inputs:
%   grid:Grid - grid to generate conditions for.
%   level:int - count of the queries generated.
%   var_def:VariableParser - Parsed input of the variables, available in
%   the MATLAB2SMT java package.
% outputs;
%   code:string - string representing code to generate including comments
%   query:cell array - contains string representing both the disjoint and
%   complete without the comments, used for validation report.
% Author: Colin Eles
% Organization: McMaster Centre for Software Certification

function [ code , query] = generate_cvc_grid( object, grid , level, var_def)
% New Junk
% First build grid in java
HGrid = ca.mcmaster.cas.tablularexpression.HierarchicalGrid
TableBlock.convert_hierarchical_grid_to_java(grid.cells, HGrid.getSubHiearchy());
% generate the formulas for the main grid

gridGenerator = ca.mcmaster.cas.cvc3generator.HierarchicalGridCVC3Generator(var_def, level);
code = char(ca.mcmaster.cas.tablularexpression.HierarchcialGridCheckerWalkerGenerator.GenerateCheckerFromGrid(HGrid, gridGenerator));
query = gridGenerator.getFinalQueries();