%% delete_g2s % function will delete all the cells that reference an inputed % condition cell as their Cell2. % inputs: % object:RGrid - reference to current RGrid % cell:Cell - reference to cell being deleted % outputs; % none % Author: Colin Eles elesc@mcmaster.ca % Organization: McMaster Centre for Software Certification function [] = delete_g2s(object,cell) deleted = []; % loop through all the cells, if we find any Rcell with cell as % its Cell2 then add the index to the array, if we were to % delete the cell right away the array size would decrease and % we would get out of bounds issues. for i=1:size(object.Cells,2) if (object.Cells(i).Cell2 == cell) deleted = [deleted i]; end end if(~isempty(deleted)) delete([object.Cells(deleted).result]); object.Cells(deleted) = []; end end