% Author: Colin Eles elesc@mcmaster.ca % Organization: McMaster Centre for Software Certification classdef GUI < handle properties % vertical grid Grid2 = []; % horizontal grid Grid1 = []; %output grid Grid0 = []; main_fig = []; frame = []; fig = []; scroll_v = []; edit_tog = []; save_pb = []; pvs_pb = []; close_pb = []; save_ext_pb = []; check_pb = []; input_pb = []; settings_pb = []; function_name_control = []; function_name_text = []; function_inputs_text = []; function_inputs_control = []; edit = 1; initialized = 0; block_handle = []; settings = []; % height of header where buttons and text is header_height = 120; % window size fig_height = 600; fig_width = 800; % space inbetween buttons in header pb_offset = 5; % width of push buttons in header pb_width = 80; % height of push buttons in header pb_height = 40; % height of header text boxes htx_height = 60; % width of text boxes text_width = 250; name_label = []; input_label = []; Data = []; PVS = []; CVC = []; pvs_checked = []; mode = []; EMLGen = []; TableBlk = []; saved = []; validation_report_handle = []; multi_type = 0; multi_mode = []; multi_grp = []; multi_opt_reg = []; multi_opt_out = []; prover_opt_pvs = []; prover_opt_cvc = []; version = '0.6'; undo_man = []; undo_opt = []; redo_opt = []; default_prover = []; PVS_const = 1; CVC_const = 2; end methods %% GUI % constructor % inputs: % h:double - handle to Tabular block in model % mode:boolean - the mode of the gui, 1 for simuink, 0 for matlab % outputs: % object:GUI - object that is created function object = GUI(h,mode) object.block_handle = h; object.mode = mode; end end methods(Static) msgbox_scroll(msg); end end