Saving a Table
Saving to Simulink
Saving to an M-File
The Table Toolbox allows for users to save their table as an m-function. This allows the function to be called from Matlab scripts or functions; users can also run the function from the command line as a quick way of testing functionality.
To save a table to an m-file select the "save to m-file" command from the file menu as seen in the following screen shot.
The toolbox will create a file with the name expression_name.m, where expression_name is the name of your expression. The function can then be called as you would any other function in Matlab, ie. expression_name(arg1,arg2,...)
Saving a Table
Saving to Block
Saving to a block will either save to an existing simulink block or create a new simulink block for the current table. Saving to a block is the default save option so if the "Save" button is pressed it will perform this action.
If changes are made in the table interface they will not be updated in the simulink block until saving is performed, it is important to remember to save before closing the interface.
Saving to an M-File
The Table Toolbox allows for users to save their table as an m-function. This allows the function to be called from Matlab scripts or functions; users can also run the function from the command line as a quick way of testing functionality.
To save a table to an m-file select the "save to m-file" command from the file menu as seen in the following screen shot.
The toolbox will create a file with the name expression_name.m, where expression_name is the name of your expression. The function can then be called as you would any other function in Matlab, ie. expression_name(arg1,arg2,...)