function [ filename, queries ] = generate_file( object ) %GENERATE_FILE Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here function_names = EMLGenerator.parse_inputs(; function_name = char(function_names{1}(1)); code = []; % output the input variables inputs = EMLGenerator.parse_inputs(; for i = 1:size(inputs,2) code = [code char(inputs{i}(1)) ':INT;' char(10)]; end % call the recursive function to generate the queries %generate grid 1 [new_code,queries] = CVC_checker.generate_cvc_grid(,0); code = [code new_code]; % generate grid 2 char(code) fileid = fopen([function_name '.cvc'],'w'); fprintf(fileid,'%s',char(code)); fclose(fileid); filename = [function_name '.cvc']; end