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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.TestRig;
* Hello world!
public class App
public static void main( String[] args )
String[] args2 = {"ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.parsers.MatlabParser", "expression", "-tree"};
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(App.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
System.out.println( "Hello World!" );
public int test(Object p) {
return 5;
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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
* @author matthew
public enum BinaryOperation {
Collection<VariableTypeMarker> getInputTypeForOutput(VariableTypeMarker outputType) {
// Boolean inputs only work with a boolean input!
if (this == BooleanAnd || this == BooleanOr || this == Implies || this == GreaterThen || this == GreaterThenEqual ||
this == LessThen || this == LessThenEqual || this == Equals || this == NotEquals) {
if (!outputType.equals(new BooleanVariableType())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Boolean operators and comparisons require a boolean output type!");
// Comparisions produce boolean outputs!
switch(this) {
case GreaterThen:
case GreaterThenEqual:
case LessThen:
case LessThenEqual:
case Equals:
case NotEquals:
return Arrays.asList(new VariableTypeMarker[]{new RealVariableType(), new FixedPointVariableType.Marker()});
return Arrays.asList(new VariableTypeMarker[]{outputType});
public VariableType getOutputForInput(VariableType inputType) {
// Boolean inputs only work with a boolean input!
if (this == BooleanAnd || this == BooleanOr || this == Implies) {
if (!inputType.equals(new BooleanVariableType())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Boolean operators require a boolean input type!");
// Comparisions produce boolean outputs!
switch(this) {
case GreaterThen:
case GreaterThenEqual:
case LessThen:
case LessThenEqual:
case Equals:
case NotEquals:
return new BooleanVariableType();
return inputType;
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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
* @author matthew
public class BooleanVariableType extends VariableType {
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other instanceof BooleanVariableType;
public int hashCode() {
return 0;
public boolean canCastToType(VariableType type) {
return false;
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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
* @author matthew
final public class CVC3Generator implements CheckerGenerator{
// For operations that don't have specific signed/unsigned representations, use this function.
private static String GetIndifferentFixedPointFunctionFor(BinaryOperation op) {
switch (op) {
case Addition:
return "BVPLUS(";
case Minus:
return "BVSUB(";
case Multiplication:
return "BVMULT(";
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operation " + op + " doesn't have a fixed point function!");
private static String GetSignedFixedPointFunctionFor(BinaryOperation op) {
switch (op) {
case Division:
return "BVSDIV(";
case GreaterThen:
return "BVSGT(";
case GreaterThenEqual:
return "BVSGE(";
case LessThen:
return "BVSLT(";
case LessThenEqual:
return "BVSLE(";
return GetIndifferentFixedPointFunctionFor(op);
private static String GetUnsignedFixedPointFunctionFor(BinaryOperation op) {
switch (op) {
case Division:
return "BVUDIV(";
case GreaterThen:
return "BVGT(";
case GreaterThenEqual:
return "BVGE(";
case LessThen:
return "BVLT(";
case LessThenEqual:
return "BVLE(";
return GetIndifferentFixedPointFunctionFor(op);
private static String GetInfixSymbolFor(BinaryOperation op) {
switch (op) {
case Addition:
return "+";
case Minus:
return "-";
case Multiplication:
return "*";
case Division:
return "/";
case Exponentiation:
return "^";
case GreaterThen:
return ">";
case GreaterThenEqual:
return ">=";
case LessThen:
return "<";
case LessThenEqual:
return "<=";
case Equals:
return "=";
case NotEquals:
return "/=";
case BooleanAnd:
return "AND";
case BooleanOr:
return "OR";
case Implies:
return "=>";
throw new RuntimeException("Should never happen!");
protected static String ConvertToOutputOp(BinaryOperation op, VariableType type) {
switch (OpTypeForVariableType(op, type)) {
case Function:
String func = GetSignedFixedPointFunctionFor(op);
if (!((FixedPointVariableType) type).isSigned()) {
func = GetUnsignedFixedPointFunctionFor(op);
if (op == BinaryOperation.Addition || op == BinaryOperation.Multiplication) {
FixedPointVariableType typeF = (FixedPointVariableType) type;
return func + typeF.digits() + ",";
} else {
return func;
case CenterOp:
return GetInfixSymbolFor(op);
throw new IllegalStateException("CVC3 Operation type asked for that doesn't exist!");
private static OperationType OpTypeForVariableType(BinaryOperation op, VariableType type) {
if (type instanceof FixedPointVariableType && op != BinaryOperation.Equals && op != BinaryOperation.NotEquals) {
if (op == BinaryOperation.Exponentiation) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot generate exponential functions in fixed point!");
return OperationType.Function;
} else {
return OperationType.CenterOp;
public String GenerateBinaryOperation(BinaryOperation op, String lhsExp, String rhsExp, VariableType usedType) {
switch (CVC3Generator.OpTypeForVariableType(op, usedType)) {
case CenterOp:
return "(" + lhsExp + " " + CVC3Generator.ConvertToOutputOp(op, usedType) + " " + rhsExp + ")";
case Function:
return CVC3Generator.ConvertToOutputOp(op, usedType) + lhsExp + "," + rhsExp + ")";
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot output expression operation for requested operation type.");
private static String GetUnaryOperationSymbolFor(UnaryOperation op) {
switch (op) {
case Negation:
return "NOT";
case Minus:
return "-";
throw new RuntimeException("Should never happen! Asked for unhandled op: " + op + "!");
public String GenerateUnaryOperation(UnaryOperation op, String expression, VariableType usedType) {
switch (CVC3Generator.OpTypeForVariableType(op, usedType)) {
case PrefixOp:
return "(" + CVC3Generator.ConvertToOutputOp(op, usedType) + " " + expression + ")";
case Function:
return CVC3Generator.ConvertToOutputOp(op, usedType) + "(" + expression + ")";
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot output expression operation for requested operation type.");
private static OperationType OpTypeForVariableType(UnaryOperation op, VariableType usedType) {
if (usedType instanceof FixedPointVariableType) {
return OperationType.Function;
return OperationType.PrefixOp;
private static String ConvertToOutputOp(UnaryOperation op, VariableType usedType) {
switch (op) {
case Negation:
return "NOT";
case Minus:
if (usedType instanceof FixedPointVariableType) {
return "BVUMINUS";
} else {
return "-";
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled operation: " + op);
public String GenerateVariableType(VariableType type) {
if (type instanceof RealVariableType) {
return "REAL";
} else if (type instanceof FixedPointVariableType) {
return "BITVECTOR(" + ((FixedPointVariableType) type).digits() + ")";
} else if (type instanceof BooleanVariableType) {
return "BOOLEAN";
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("CVC3 Doesn't handle this variable type (Class: " + type.getClass().getName() + ")");
public String GenerateVariablesDeclaration(VariableCollection variableCollection) {
Map<String, Variable> vars = variableCollection.getVariables();
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
// First generate all the variables.
for(Variable var : vars.values()) {
// Then generate the variable predicates. This ensures any dependent variables are declared.
for(Variable var : vars.values()) {
if (var.type().subtypePredicate() != null) {
ret.append("ASSERT ")
.append(var.type().subtypePredicate().getCheckerOutput(this, new BooleanVariableType()))
return ret.toString();
public String GenerateLiterlaValue(String value, VariableType requestedType) {
if (requestedType instanceof RealVariableType) {
if (value.contains(".")) {
String[] fraction = value.split("\\.");
String res = "(";
res += StringUtils.join(fraction, "");
res += "/1" + StringUtils.repeat('0', fraction[1].length()) + ")";
return res;
} else {
return value;
} else if (requestedType instanceof FixedPointVariableType) {
FixedPointVariableType type = (FixedPointVariableType) requestedType;
BigDecimal decimal = new BigDecimal(value);
decimal = decimal.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(1 << type.fractionPart()));
BigInteger intOut = decimal.toBigIntegerExact();
//This gets the two's compliment representation. Ugly for loop, but best I could find.
String bits = "";
for (int i = intOut.bitLength() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
bits += (intOut.testBit(i)) ? '1' : '0';
if (intOut.signum() < 0) {
return "0bin" + StringUtils.repeat('1', type.digits() - bits.length()) + bits;
} else {
return "0bin" + StringUtils.repeat('0', type.digits() - bits.length()) + bits;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't cast literal to that type!");
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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
import java.util.Map;
* @author matthew
public interface CheckerGenerator {
public String GenerateUnaryOperation(UnaryOperation op, String expression, VariableType usedType);
public String GenerateBinaryOperation(BinaryOperation op, String lhsExp, String rhsExp, VariableType usedType);
public String GenerateLiterlaValue(String value, VariableType requestedType);
public String GenerateVariablesDeclaration(VariableCollection vars);
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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
* @author matthew
public interface Expression {
/* This methods returns an actual variable type for the requested input type. If due to the setup of the system,
* this is not possible, then this function should return null.
VariableType actualOutputTypeForRequestedOutput(VariableTypeMarker requestedType);
String getCheckerOutput(CheckerGenerator generator, VariableType requestedType);
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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
import java.util.Collection;
* @author matthew
public final class ExpressionBinaryOperation implements Expression, ExpressionWithSubExpression {
public ExpressionBinaryOperation(Expression lhs, BinaryOperation op, Expression rhs) {
m_lhs = lhs;
m_rhs = rhs;
m_op = op;
public void setLHS(Expression expr) {
m_lhs = expr;
public void setRHS(Expression expr) {
m_rhs = expr;
private VariableType getInputTypeForOutput(VariableTypeMarker requestedType) {
Collection<VariableTypeMarker> allowedInputTypes = m_op.getInputTypeForOutput(requestedType);
for(VariableTypeMarker allowedType : allowedInputTypes) {
VariableType inputType = m_lhs.actualOutputTypeForRequestedOutput(allowedType);
if(inputType != null &&
m_rhs.actualOutputTypeForRequestedOutput(inputType) != null) {
return inputType;
inputType = m_rhs.actualOutputTypeForRequestedOutput(allowedType);
if(inputType != null &&
m_lhs.actualOutputTypeForRequestedOutput(inputType) != null) {
return inputType;
return null;
public VariableType actualOutputTypeForRequestedOutput(VariableTypeMarker requestedType) {
VariableType inputType = getInputTypeForOutput(requestedType);
if (inputType != null) {
return m_op.getOutputForInput(inputType);
return null;
public String getCheckerOutput(CheckerGenerator generator, VariableType requestedType) {
VariableType inputType = getInputTypeForOutput(requestedType);
if (inputType == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested output type is not valid for the expression's output type (" + requestedType.getClass().getSimpleName() + "!");
String lhsExp = m_lhs.getCheckerOutput(generator, inputType);
String rhsExp = m_rhs.getCheckerOutput(generator, inputType);
return generator.GenerateBinaryOperation(m_op, lhsExp, rhsExp, inputType);
public Expression getSubExpression() {
return m_rhs;
public void setSubExpression(Expression subExpression) {
m_rhs = subExpression;
public String toString() {
return "(" + m_lhs.toString() + " " + m_op.toString() + " " + m_rhs.toString() + ")";
private Expression m_lhs, m_rhs;
private BinaryOperation m_op;
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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
* @author matthew
public final class ExpressionUnaryOperation implements Expression, ExpressionWithSubExpression {
public ExpressionUnaryOperation(UnaryOperation op, Expression rhs) {
m_expr = rhs;
m_op = op;
void setExpression(Expression expr) {
m_expr = expr;
public VariableType actualOutputTypeForRequestedOutput(VariableTypeMarker requestedType) {
return m_expr.actualOutputTypeForRequestedOutput(requestedType);
public String getCheckerOutput(CheckerGenerator generator, VariableType requestedType) {
if (actualOutputTypeForRequestedOutput(requestedType) == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can generate output for requested type!");
String expression = m_expr.getCheckerOutput(generator, requestedType);
return generator.GenerateUnaryOperation(m_op, expression, requestedType);
public Expression getSubExpression() {
return m_expr;
public void setSubExpression(Expression subExpression) {
m_expr = subExpression;
public String toString() {
return "( " + m_op + " " + m_expr + ")";
private Expression m_expr;
private UnaryOperation m_op;
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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
/** This interface means the expression is a value with no further expansion possible.
* This is just a marker to mean an expression is only a value.
* @author matthew
public interface ExpressionValue extends Expression {
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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
* @author matthew
public interface ExpressionWithSubExpression {
public Expression getSubExpression();
public void setSubExpression(Expression subExpression);
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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
* @author matthew
final public class FixedPointVariableType extends VariableType {
public FixedPointVariableType(boolean signed, int digits, int fractionPart) {
m_isSigned = signed;
m_digits = digits;
m_fractionPart = fractionPart;
public boolean isSigned() {
return m_isSigned;
public int digits() {
return m_digits;
public int fractionPart() {
return m_fractionPart;
public boolean canCastToType(VariableType type) {
return false;
public boolean equals(Object othero) {
if (!(othero instanceof FixedPointVariableType)) {
return false;
} else {
FixedPointVariableType other = (FixedPointVariableType) othero;
if (other.m_isSigned == m_isSigned
&& other.m_digits == m_digits
&& other.m_fractionPart == m_fractionPart) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 0;
hash += (this.m_isSigned ? 1 : 0);
hash = 2 * hash + this.m_fractionPart;
hash = 83 * hash + this.m_digits;
return hash;
private final int m_fractionPart;
private final int m_digits;
private final boolean m_isSigned;
public static class Marker implements VariableTypeMarker {
public boolean isMarkerFor(VariableType m_type) {
return m_type instanceof FixedPointVariableType;
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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
* @author matthew
public final class Literal implements Expression, ExpressionValue {
public Literal(String value) {
m_value = value;
public VariableType actualOutputTypeForRequestedOutput(VariableTypeMarker requestedType) {
if (requestedType instanceof RealVariableType ||
requestedType instanceof FixedPointVariableType) {
return (VariableType)requestedType;
return null;
public String getCheckerOutput(CheckerGenerator generator, VariableType requestedType) {
return generator.GenerateLiterlaValue(m_value, requestedType);
public String toString() {
return m_value;
final String m_value;
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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
* @author matthew
public enum OperationType {
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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
* @author matthew
public final class RealVariableType extends VariableType {
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other instanceof RealVariableType;
public int hashCode() {
return 0;
public boolean canCastToType(VariableType type) {
return false;
* Copyright (C) 2013 Matthew Dawson <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
import java.util.Map;
* @author Matthew Dawson <>
public class SMTLIBGenerator implements CheckerGenerator {
public String GenerateUnaryOperation(UnaryOperation op, String expression, VariableType usedType) {
return "(" + SMTLIBGenerator.GetUnaryOperationSymbolFor(op) + " " + expression + ")"; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates.
public String GenerateBinaryOperation(BinaryOperation op, String lhsExp, String rhsExp, VariableType usedType) {
return "(" + SMTLIBGenerator.GetBinaryOperationSymbolFor(op) + " " + lhsExp + " " + rhsExp + ")";
public String GenerateLiterlaValue(String value, VariableType requestedType) {
if (requestedType instanceof RealVariableType) {
if (value.contains(".")) {
return value;
} else {
return value + ".0";
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't cast literal to that type!");
public String GenerateVariablesDeclaration(VariableCollection variableCollection) {
Map<String, Variable> vars = variableCollection.getVariables();
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
// First generate all the variables.
for (Variable var : vars.values()) {
ret.append("(declare-fun ")
.append(" () ")
// Then generate the variable predicates. This ensures any dependent variables are declared.
for(Variable var : vars.values()) {
if (var.type().subtypePredicate() != null) {
ret.append("(assert ")
.append(var.type().subtypePredicate().getCheckerOutput(this, new BooleanVariableType()))
return ret.toString();
public static String GenerateVariableType(VariableType type) {
if (type instanceof RealVariableType) {
return "Real";
} else if (type instanceof BooleanVariableType) {
return "Bool";
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("SMT-LIB Doesn't handle this variable type (Class: " + type.getClass().getName() + ")");
private static String GetBinaryOperationSymbolFor(BinaryOperation op) {
switch (op) {
case Addition:
return "+";
case Minus:
return "-";
case Multiplication:
return "*";
case Division:
return "/";
case Exponentiation:
return "^";
case GreaterThen:
return ">";
case GreaterThenEqual:
return ">=";
case LessThen:
return "<";
case LessThenEqual:
return "<=";
case Equals:
return "=";
case NotEquals:
return "distinct";
case BooleanAnd:
return "and";
case BooleanOr:
return "or";
case Implies:
return "=>";
throw new RuntimeException("Should never happen! Asked for unhandled op: " + op + "!");
private static String GetUnaryOperationSymbolFor(UnaryOperation op) {
switch (op) {
case Negation:
return "not";
case Minus:
return "-";
throw new RuntimeException("Should never happen! Asked for unhandled op: " + op + "!");
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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
* @author matthew
public enum UnaryOperation {
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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
* @author matthew
public class Variable implements Expression, ExpressionValue {
public Variable(String name, VariableType type) {
m_name = name;
m_type = type;
public String name() {
return m_name;
public VariableType type() {
return m_type;
public VariableType actualOutputTypeForRequestedOutput(VariableTypeMarker requestedType) {
if (requestedType.isMarkerFor(m_type)) {
return m_type;
return null;
private String m_name;
private VariableType m_type;
public String getCheckerOutput(CheckerGenerator generator, VariableType requestedType) {
if (!type().equals(requestedType)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested output type is not the expression's output type!");
return m_name;
public String toString() {
return m_name;
* Copyright (C) 2013 Matthew Dawson <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
import java.util.Map;
* @author Matthew Dawson <>
final public class VariableCollection {
public VariableCollection(Map<String, Variable> variables) {
m_variables = variables;
public Map<String, Variable> getVariablesAndEnumeratedValues() {
return m_variables;
public Map<String, Variable> getVariables() {
return m_variables;
private final Map<String,Variable> m_variables;
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package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
* @author matthew
public abstract class VariableType implements VariableTypeMarker {
* Marks whether the type can be cast to this type. Certain values may be
* castable to a different type. If possible, this method will mark it as
* such.
* @param type The type this variable type should cast to.
* @return True if this type can act like the other type. False otherwise.
abstract public boolean canCastToType(VariableType type);
/* By default, all types are their own markers. Thus by default implement isMarkerFor to represent that. Override
* if further behaviour is necessary.
public boolean isMarkerFor(VariableType m_type) {
return this.equals(m_type);
public Expression subtypePredicate() {
return m_subtypePredicate;
public void setSubtypePredicate(Expression subtypePredicate) {
m_subtypePredicate = subtypePredicate;
private Expression m_subtypePredicate;
* Copyright (C) 2013 Matthew Dawson <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package ca.mcmaster.cas.tabularexpressiontoolbox.expression;
* @author Matthew Dawson <>
interface VariableTypeMarker {
boolean isMarkerFor(VariableType m_type);