%% generate_preamble
% generates the preamble for the eml code, the preamble is
% everything before the first if statement, this is seperated
% out to make the code simpler.
% inputs:
% object:EMLGenerator - current object
% outputs:
% code:string - string of eml code
function code = generate_preamble(object)
code = [];
%generate input list
parsed_input = EMLGenerator.parse_inputs(;
input = [];
for i= 1:size(parsed_input,2)
input = [input char(parsed_input{i}(1))];
if i ~= size(parsed_input,2)
input = [input ',']
code = sprintf('function output = %s(%s)\n%s\n',,input,'%%#eml');
% simulink forces you to have an output for all execution paths
% since it can't compute completness and disjointness we need
% to have a default value, if the user builds the table
% properly the default value will never be used. since
% different types might have a different default value, the
% temporary solution is just to use one of the outputs from our
% table, we will use the first cell because it is
% guaranteed to
% be filled in, regardless of the dimensionality of the table.
code = [code sprintf('output=%s;\n',EMLGenerator.type_convert(object.datatype,char(];